Avoiding problems with your septic tank is going to be something every homeowner will want to strive for. Septic troubles are costly to resolve, hazardous to your health and, let’s face it, downright disgusting to have to witness. But, they’re also prone to occurring in a number of different capacities if you’re not diligent in your septic tank maintenance in Modesto, CA.
Do you know what constitutes good septic maintenance? Chances are, you probably have some idea of the dos and don’ts of maintaining your septic system, but you might not have the full picture. Take a look at six things you may not have ever thought could impact the integrity of your septic system and why taking care to follow these tips might end up saving you the hassle of dealing with septic troubles in the future:
- Conserve water whenever possible. Your septic system can only handle so much water over a certain period of time before it starts to experience backflow problems and drainfield flooding. If you’re thinking about doing a load of laundry, taking a shower and running the dishwasher all at the same time, think again.
- Don’t disturb your drainfield: It might seem unsightly to leave your drainfield barren and open, but building or planting atop it is only going to cause you major problems in the future. No more than 50lbs per square foot of pressure should be put on your drainfield or it’ll impact the earth, causing backups and drainage issues that threaten the integrity of your system as a whole.
- Don’t flush foreign objects: This is generally the aspect of septic tank maintenance in Modesto, CA that most people are familiar with, but it still bears repeating. The only things that should be getting flushed down your drain are toilet paper, water and waste—no exceptions!
- Use your garbage disposal sparingly (or not at all): A garbage disposal is going to be yet another gateway for debris to get into your septic system and eventually, things that have been through your disposal are going to start blocking up plumbing. Depending on how much waste gets down into your tank, you could be looking at an imbalance within the tank ecosystem.
- Don’t use conventional cleaners: Bleaches and other abrasive cleaners are going to do a number on the bacteria in your septic system, which will render the tank unable to fully and completely break down bio solids. Try to use “green” cleaners whenever possible and avoid anything with bleach or ammonia in it when cleaning your toilet.
- Invest in line jetting services: Each year, around the time your tank is pumped, have a plumber or septic professional jet your lines. This means forcing high pressure water through your pipes to blast away any buildups or foreign objects that might be in the way. This’ll keep your system in better condition and ready to handle the already strenuous wear and tear of daily use.
Follow the above steps if you’re concerned about septic tank maintenance in Modesto, CA and have peace of mind that you’re doing everything you can to prevent unforeseen septic disasters in your home!