For those that live in a rural area or have a rustic vacation home, proper septic maintenance in Modesto, CA is nothing new. A septic system provides a home with its own onsite sewage treatment facility. Septic systems offer a great alternative when access to a municipal system is unavailable or not economically practical. If is maintained correctly, a septic system is odorless and difficult to notice. Your septic system is designed to work for many years.
However, it is quite common for new owners of septic systems to not maintain them effectively, which can lead to some potentially unpleasant problems. In order to ensure that your septic system works effectively and for its full lifespan, it is important that you know how to avoid common problems with your septic system to keep your home happy, healthy and safe.
Here are the most common tips for proper septic maintenance in Modesto, CA:
- Don’t over-pump: Pumping a septic system too often can deplete the amount of bacteria in the system, which is vital in treating the wastewater. On average, a 1,500-gallon septic tank for a family of four only needs to be pumped about every four years. Any more than that and you will be making your septic system work harder without the necessary bacteria.
- Repair water leaks immediately: No matter how small that leak may seem to be, it is important that it is fixed as soon as possible. A leaky toilet valve or faucet can send a steady drip down your drain and ultimately overload your septic system.
- Don’t rely too heavily on your garbage disposal: While it may seem easier to scrape leftover food down the garbage disposal, it can actually do some serious damage to your septic system. Any food waste sent down the drain ultimately reaches the septic system, increasing the solid load inside of the septic tank. This can then lead to the need for more frequent pumping to alleviate the effects of that load. If you cannot go without scraping remaining food down the drain, it may be best to consider a septic system garbage disposal as an alternative in order to prevent potential issues from arising down the road.
- Avoid antibacterial soaps: While they may seem better for your health, antibacterial soaps kill off the bacteria in your septic system, which then allows solid foods into the drain field.
- Skip any harsh household cleaners: Harsh chemicals, such as chlorine bleach, can actually kill the bacteria within the septic system. Again, a lack of bacteria means that more solids will be able to enter the drain field.
In the end, the simplest way to guarantee a properly maintained septic system, by far, is to schedule routine professional septic maintenance in Modesto, CA. A certified professional should come to your home annually in order to inspect the septic system. They can actually determine proper steps to be taken, such as if your system should be pumped. Having a professional examine the system annually can prevent future septic problems that can be costly. Contact Alvarado Pumping Septic Service today for assistance.