If you are a smart businessperson, then you probably have a plan in place for what to do in the event of a commercial plumbing emergency. You might also invest in routine plumbing maintenance from a trustworthy plumber to limit your risk of having an urgent plumbing problem arise. But are you doing everything you can to limit your risk of urgently needing a commercial plumber in Modesto, CA?
Even with proper maintenance, there are additional things you can do to protect your plumbing system even further. Whether it means communicating with your employees and customers or just knowing when to take proper action, these actions could end up saving you a lot of money and hassle. Here are a few tips to help avoid the need for an emergency plumber in Modesto, CA.
Use signs
Everyone has seen it in a public restroom before: the sign politely (or not so politely) requesting that customers and employees not flush sanitary napkins, paper towels and other objects down the toilet.
If you run a higher end office, restaurant or retail space, you might understandably be reluctant to post such a sign. After all, this reminder can easily clash with the overall vibe of accommodation and sophistication that you strive to convey with your business. But when faced with the option of using signs or having an unnecessary and avoidable plumbing situation, the better choice is clear.
Here are a few tips for crafting a sign that is both effective and classy:
- Use high quality paper, and type the message rather than handwriting it, unless you or an employee has a true artistic flair.
- Keep a framed copy of the sign in each individual stall.
- Use polite language, and do not threaten or guilt your customers or employees into obeying the instructions.
If you follow the above guidelines, you should be able to avoid frequently clogged toilets, and keep your customers and employees happy.
Replace when necessary
As a businessperson, you may of course be reluctant to spend money where it might not seem urgently necessary. But plumbing fixtures like water heaters, septic tanks and old pipes can easily give out quickly once they reach a certain age, and you need to be ahead of the curve with replacing them if you want to avoid inconveniencing your customers and possibly losing their business.
Do your research and speak with a trusted plumber about when different plumbing fixtures and appliances ought to be replaced. If possible, consider upgrading to a more efficient option when replacement does occur.
Trust the best
Running a business is hard work, and you deserve to have a dedicated, trustworthy and affordable plumber in your corner. Even if you follow the above tips, the occasional need for a commercial plumber in Modesto, CA, will arise, and you need to know whom you’re going to call.
When that does occur, we hope you will consider trusting Alvarado Pumping Septic Service with the job. We have been proudly serving the Modesto area since 2007, and we look forward to helping your business thrive.