You generally don’t think about the functioning systems in your home until something has gone terribly wrong. Knowing how something works can help you to prevent these disasters, and issues with septic tank installation in Modesto, CA are no different. Having a better understanding of how the entire septic system works can help you make responsible decisions with your waste, and extend the life of your tank. So how exactly does the septic system work?
Your septic system in action
In areas where a properly working sewer system is difficult or costly to maintain, the septic system is used as a reliable and effective alternative. The entire septic system is governed primarily by the law of gravity, as the majority of the system flows down and away from your home. The septic tank will be buried underneath your yard, and can hold up to 1,000 gallons of water. The first step of the process involves the system handling and treating the waste fluids that leave your house. Through your aboveground piping system, the wastewater enters the tanks from the piping that is connected to your house.
Next, the tank begins the treatment of the water. The septic tank is designed to hold and divide the waste into three different layers. The bottom layer, also known as the sludge layer, contains any waste that is heavy and does not float or disintegrate. The middle layer is generally clear and filled with the good forms of bacteria that serve as fertilizer when combined with all of the waste in the tank. The top layer will be filled with anything that has floated to the top, and it is commonly referred to as the scum layer.
The water held in the tank will eventually be pushed out of the tank into a drain field, which houses an opening for the underground pipes. These pipes facilitate the movement of the water away from your home, and into the ground where the filtered and fertilized water will provide nutrients for the surrounding soil. The design of the drain field is a key part of the system, and its size will be dependent on the absorption properties of the land. If the area absorbs water slowly, a larger drain field will have to be used to compensate for the delay. Conversely, if the land is filled with material that can absorb the waste quickly, less space will be needed.
Septic tank installation
When it comes to installing a new septic system, it is best to let a professional come to your home and make all of the necessary assessments to ensure that your system will be as efficient as possible. These professionals possess in-depth knowledge of any of the necessary permits and regulations, assuring that your septic tank installation will meet all of the state and federal requirements. In addition, a thorough investigation of the potential drain field will be completed, allowing the drain field specifications to be tailored to the needs of your property.
If you are in need of a professional to help with your septic tank installation in Modesto, CA, Alvarado Pumping Septic Service has what you are looking for. We have a knowledgeable team that can answer all of your questions and provide you with a reliable septic system that will last. Give us a call today to learn more!