When you think of a septic system, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably going to be the septic tank. This is understandable—the tank is the component that will need the most frequent service, and it holds the wastewater and materials that run through your home’s plumbing. However, your septic field in Modesto, CA should not be forgotten.
The septic field is the soil into which your tank drains. It does need some ongoing maintenance so you can ensure your tank drains properly and you don’t run into any issues with backups or flooding.
After the sewage and wastewater flow into the septic tanks, the solids settle down to the bottom, while grease goes up to the top and the liquids hang out in the middle. The liquid slowly seeps out of the tank through a series of pipes and into the soil of the drain field. With this liquid travel some small particles from the solid waste. During this point there is still bacteria in the water, but that bacteria gets broken down and removed because the soil acts as a natural filtration system.
What to know about maintaining your drain field
So what exactly do you need to do to make sure your drain field stays in good condition? Here are a few quick tips:
- Stay on top of your septic tank pumping: Septic pumping in Modesto, CA is critical to keep your entire septic system in good working order. A failure to regularly pump your septic tank will result in solid waste building up in the tank and seeping into the drain field. This could saturate the soil, which will make it difficult for the wastewater to flow through the area, potentially leading to flooding and some very nasty smells above the surface.
- Be careful about what you put down the drain: You should never, for example, put grease down the drains of your kitchen or bathroom sinks or any other water-based appliances. This will make sludge accumulate even faster at the top of the tank, which will cause it to build up and saturate the drain field. Even if you have a garbage disposal, this doesn’t help. Therefore, you should take cooking oil, fatty sauces and other greasy materials, pour them into a disposable container and throw them away with your garbage.
- Keep heavy items off the drain field: Never park or drive on the drain field, or put any heavy equipment or furniture on top of it. The soil for the drain field is purposefully left loose so that it can better act as a filter and allow wastewater to flow through the area. If you do park or drive on the drain field, you’ll compact the soil and make it harder for the filtration process to occur.
These are just a few tips to help you maintain your septic field in Modesto, CA. For more information, contact the team of experts at Alvarado Pumping Septic Service today.